Tuesday 13 November 2012

A busy week of first timing!

So, my second blog post has been a bit later than I first expected.  But only because I have been such a busy bee over the last week.  Trying new things, but also sticking with the familiar because sometimes that can be pretty fucking awesome too.

So, this week I mostly decided I wanted to work on broadening my horizons a bit and bettering myself as a person.  For some, that might involve doing charity work.  It does for me sometimes (I give a monthly direct debit to Cancer Research UK and last month I did a charity run - honest!) but this week I wanted to better myself by taking an interest in classic literature and doing yoga.  So thats exactly what I did, kind of. I spent a lot of last Tuesday procrastinating at work researching the different kinds of yoga (who knew there were so many?) I even got as far as emailing a teacher to find out if ashtanga yoga was suitable for me.  I should tell you my reasons for wanting to do yoga.  Basically I want to chill the fuck out, and I want to be able to do the spilts (and other bendy shit).  So yoga would be ideal. However, I chickened out from going to the class at the last minute as I couldn't get a friend to go with me.  Pathetic I know, but that's me! I did buy a book on yoga though and have been doing it a little at home.  Working on breathing techniques and suchlike.  Not sure whether I feel a difference, but I wasn't as terrified my plane was going to crash like usual yesterday so maybe it is...

So, my other method of self improvement.  Reading more literature of the classic book variety.  I do enjoy to read, my favourite type of literature is fashion mags, close second celebrity gossip magazines.  I read each Harry Potter book within 3 days of when it first went on sale. It can definitely be said I am the kind of person to judge a book by its cover, and I was always ok with that.  But when you get these posts on Facebook and suchlike asking which of the top 100 classic books I have read I could probably count the number I have on one (or no) hands.  It's a bit embarassing really.  So I went a bit mad on Amazon buying a few (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre).  I also bought a copy of the Bell Jar, not sure it's a classic but the angry chick in '10 things I hate about you' was reading it so it's probably no Twilight.  To fill me in till those came I bought 'The Scarlet Letter'.  I did enjoy the film 'Easy A' after all so I was guaranteed to like it, right?  I actually am really enjoying it.  Who knew classics were a good read?!

So inbetween all this I managed to get my hair done - I am the gingerest I have ever been in my life.  I also found the time to go on a hot tub holiday in the Scottish Highlands.  Private hot tub/sauna/remote location/excellent company/board games/alcohol.  My liver took a beating but man was it good.  Third time we have done it, definitely a bit of a tradition now.  Can't wait to do it again next year!

Anyway, it's getting late and I need to be up at 5am to go to a conference and pretend to be a professional scientist tomorrow so I leave you for tonight with just one of my favourite things this week.  Zara leggings.  They're like hot thermal spanx! So thick they're almost like trousers which is great news if your top is a little short and your vag falls out.  Result!

Monday 5 November 2012


So I guess my first post kind of covers itself, seeing as I am new to blogging.  I have been thinking about blogging for a long time, although I have always considered myself far too boring to be worth reading about.  I still think this is the case, but I have a bit of time on my hands now I have finally finished my PhD (something else new I have done this week) and I thought it was time to give it a try even if its only those I force to that end up reading it. 

The other issue I have needed to face is what someone such as myself, without any kind of passion/talent/enthusiam for a particular subject could blog about that people would (possibly) want to read?  My speciality is making catalysts that don't work for the reactions for which they are designed.  That's not something I feel most people want to hear about.  Then suddenly this idea hit me - Diary of a First Timer.

As a person I would definitely describe my key qualities as impatient/excitable/faddy/childlike/want to be good at everything/want what everyone else has.  I have also been lucky enough to come into the company of a fun and diverse group of people through my boyfriend who are into trying new things (we have a first timers 'club') which has introduced me to things I would never have considered trying (firewalking, anyone?).  This in turn has led me to try more hobbies/sports/beauty regimes/diets/products than I care to remember.  After a summer of Olympics, I was a member of a swimming club with my own Olympic dreams (didnt last), Dancing on Ice has persuaded me to take on Ice skating lessons (still persevering, actually).  Twitter - love the idea, I want to be the queen of witty tweets unfortunately I just cannot find the time between my other faddy hobbies and first time events to make the most of it.

But this brings me to my blog plans.  To share with you the latest trends (fads) and hobbies that I have come across, those which I have tried, those which I have stuck with and those which are just plain god damn ridiculous. So enjoy my blog and I leave you now, as first timers need their sleep, with a couple of pictures of things I am seriously coveting at the minute.

Bag £10 Primark.  Like the one in Zara, but 20% of the price.  Going to buy it in black too.

Watch £100 or so, Fossil.  (thanks Trev) Kinda manly but I love it.