Wednesday 23 January 2013

A new year, a new me....blah blah blah

Well in true first timer style my foray into blogging didn't last longer than a couple of posts.  And perhaps predictably enough, I have returned with good intentions in the New Year to continue with this pointless blog giving an unwanted insight into my non-eventful life.

So what have I tried new in the last 2 months since I updated my blog? In a word - nothing.  I don't think I have done anything at all of note since November.  Let me double check my diary. Nope nothing.  But fear not, I am back to make 2013 the 'Year of the Fad' starting now.

I guess the most obvious one to go for would be to start 2013 on a healthy eating kick.  I guess I am not too bad compared to some, but I am really trying to cleanse myself out a bit.  In fact I am drinking a Pukka detox tea as I write this (half price in Sainsbury's - instantly attractive to a fad dieter such as myself).  I have definitely increased my fruit and veg intake markedly (it makes up most of my diet currently), ditched the milk (thats a lie, I can't resist a latte on the weekends but I was drinking up to 2 a day before Christmas), ditched the meat (especially red meat, I don't know if I will ever touch the stuff again actually.  Really doesn't agree with me.....) and am tempted, but scared, to try myself on the green smoothies.  I know they are fantastic for me, but the thought of drinking one makes me dry heave in my mouth a little.  On the plus side it would give me reason to head out and purchase a blender, which is always an attractive prospect to a money burner such as myself.

I just purchased on Amazon a book called 'Honestly Healthy' - a recipe book dedicated to vegetarian recipes using alkaline vegetables to balance out the pH of the body.  Victoria Beckham is a fan so it must be good, right?  Perhaps my nutritionist friend will have something to say on the matter when she reads this blog post, but I have to say there are some pretty yummy recipes in the book.  I purchased it on my kindle as I didn't have the patience to wait for the book to arrive but now I have it I can tell you my dinner for tomorrow will either be Tomato and Mushroom Dahl or Chickpea and Sweet Potato Stew.  I probably won't make it till I have someone to make it for but there is a recipe for an amazingly rich looking Raw Chocolate Mousse - its vegan actually and a major component in it is in fact avocado.  It would be wrong not to give it a try!

Exercise wise I am not doing too great, I still ice skate once a week but haven't really been on my bike due to the snow.  I am supposed to be racing my brother at a 10K race in May to decide which one of us is better.  I have already proven I am better than him academically so sport is the only thing left to challenge on.  It is my dream to do a sub 50 minute 10K. It's possible I think if I was to pull my finger out and begin.  But it's soooo cold and the pavements are dangerously slippy at the moment.  My boyfriend will drag me out over the weekend to do a little run, should Heathrow not screw me over again this weekend, and hopefully I will find my inner Paula Radcliffe (minus the pissing on the street).

The only other thing I really got into over Christmas was tv programme 'The Middle'.  Sue Heck is an absolute hero with her never give up attitude. I just purchased the DVDs on Amazon and unfortunately I do have to wait for them to arrive.  But as soon as they do, I am prepping myself a green smoothie and spending a day on the sofa watching the shit out of those DVDS.  I will leave you now with an inspirational Sue Heck photo to remind you to stay optimistic and never stop trying at something till you make it!

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